Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Hello God.... it's me

Hello God, it's me. I know life has been busy lately and I probably haven't talked to you as much as I should be. Where does time go? In all fairness God I haven't even blogged since March! So see it isn't just you...well yes you are right...you are more important then a blog. But God.....

Ever feel like this? I know I have. We get stuck in our day to day routines and by the time it is time for bed I am beat and all I want to do is sleep.

Or funny how I only find time to talk to God when I need something. Someone I love is sick, need help financially or just praying for a loved one who is hurting. I am sure we all have different reasons for praying and different things we ask for, but why is it that we only find the time to pray when we "need" something?
I am guilty of this for sure. My daughter gets up during the night..."please God, let her go back to sleep quickly". You get my point. I know God never thinks "yeah, yeah, yeah" because he is God and better then me. If people only talked to me when they wanted me to fix their problems I would probably say that!

Lately I haven't felt as "close" to God as I want to so I am working on that. Growing up in a very church based home I felt the presence of God all the time. I have many stories I could tell of times I was at church alone preparing for the worship part of service (I led worship at our church when I was in high school and some in college) and only things happened that could have been from God. I miss that. Even though I know He is always by me it's nice to really "feel" it sometimes.

So as I have been praying more lately and trying to make time for Him things have slowly happened...not for me but for me to witness to others. One example being this last week two times I have seen someone along side the road by a stoplight needing money. I NEVER have cash and both these times I had some with me. The first one I gave money to and came back on the same road 5 min later and he was gone. So I must have given him what he needed, which I am hoping was a meal. The second one was at Walmart and I never go to Walmart. I just needed something I can only find there. Then this nice couple tell me God bless me and drive safe. I thought they are worried about me? I truly believe in each case God had a plan. Maybe they were there to open my eyes, to bless me. There was a reason I had cash on me those two times, and while it wasn't much, it was what they needed.

No matter what religion you are God is God to you. You have a relationship with Him, you want your kids to have a relationship with Him, you want Him to always be there for you when you need him. I think what we need to remember, myself included is to "check" in with him even when we don't need him. Don't you think God would love you to say "Hi God, just saying hi. Thanks for blessing me with this day." I bet God smiles the brightest when we take time to thank Him. I know he loves to hear our cries for help too. As the Amy Grant song states, "our cries are better than a Hallelujah sometimes". But still take a minute today and thank God...for everything. Look just for a minute I bet you can think of or see one miracle right now...if you try.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Time to get serious

As I sit here today with a cold and a half (yes I feel horrible so I believe it is more than just a "cold") I am telling myself it is time to get serious....mainly about working out.
I have been working out since Kat was born. I get in good spurts then stop and then get motivated again then something happens and I miss a few days and well you know how it goes.

I won't kid myself, I miss my pre baby body! I was finally to where I wanted to be as far as weight and being in shape and healthy and then WHAM I got pregnant! And it is much harder to lose after having that baby!

I just finished ready a great book by Alison Sweeney called "The Mommy Diet". I loved it and it helped motivate me. I wish it would have been written when I was first pregnant as there was some great stuff in there about during your pregnancy but that's life. If anyone wants to read it you can borrow my copy! Or better yet buy one because you may not want to give it back!

So enough excuses as I am hoping to kick this cold in the butt very soon and put on  my "big girl pants" and get it done! Maybe I will try and blog as much as I can as to how much I am working out etc.
I do miss going to the gym which is what Koran and I did before we had Kathryn. I also worked out at home but now with her working out at home is pretty much my only option. I think I just miss going somewhere different to workout and the weight machines!
So here is to a fresh start and to start walking. Who is going to do it with me. Get up! Let's go!!!!!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Random thoughts

Haven't been on here much. My intent was to write something every day...yeah you can see how good I am at that. Well life gets busy and by the time my 2 year old is actually finally asleep for the night I am exhausted! And want to spend a few quiet minutes with my hubby!

Our youngest son, Konnor, turns 17 next week. Crazy to think he will be a Senior next year. I still remember when I first met him. He was 4 years old and quite the little stinker. Teasing me with pretend snakes in the hottub and all the things boys like to do. Took a little getting use to but now I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Kat, every day, is turning into a little lady. She continues to keep talking more and figuring out new (and sometimes unusual) games for us to play. Her newest love seems to be Lego's and any time the wind is not whipping us away and it is warm enough she is outside. Yes, for sure like her mom in that area! I love the outdoors...and can't wait until we are spending a majority of our time there!

Been thinking of a lot of things lately. Life since having a daughter and how life has changed in the 13 years I have been with Koran. WOW! We have been through a lot of stuff. From losing jobs, to new jobs, to a new house, to losing loved ones, to dealing with kid issues (doesn't get easier when they are adults...in fact may be harder) you can't make them do what you want! :)

I know in everything that goes on God has a plan. And why sacrifices are made for me to stay home with Kathryn instead of work..(yes I don't go shoe shopping and buy clothes for me much anymore)..I know God opened the door for it all to happen.

I sometimes stop and remember life before Kathryn. While work sucked at times in some ways it was much easier. No one to consider but Koran and I if we wanted to do something or go somewhere and we got to sleep all night long if we wanted. Kat still thinks we should be visiting each other on a nightly basis at least one time. I tell myself in 15 years when she sleeps through the night and doesn't want our attention as much I will long for these days. Just have to keep telling myself that sometimes. And with all the frustrations I feel sometimes I wouldn't trade that little redhead for anything. And other than she sleeps like her dad, well she is a great, well mannered, well behaved child and I love her.

No matter how old your children are it is never easy. Every age and step brings new challenges, joys and expectations. Remember God is in control is the key (and sometimes hard part).

The other thing that has been bothering me lately is how friends who you thought were one of your best friends just kind of disappear. Oh life got busy...um yeah...mine is to and I still make time. I guess for every season there is a friendship. Some are meant to come and go and some are meant to be for a short time. I am not losing sleep over it (I lose enough getting up with Kat). I just thank God for the friends that are always there for us and you know what screw the rest.

As I have said before be true to yourself because in the end only you know who you really are and God is the one who will judge you. Not the people you thought were your friends, your children or your family. So I guess I speak my mind and know in my heart I try to do what is right. Not perfect....I am for sure a work in progress.

On a postive note here is a couple pictures of Kat in my Mom's garden today. Obviously not much growing yet, but she enjoyed digging around!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


My mom in law was here for a few days and it was really good. She has been down a little with Dick passing and who wouldn't be if they lost their husband. I am proud of her strong will and how she is trying to see the good in everything. Knowing her first year alone will be tough in many ways. We were glad she shared some things with us when she was here and we had a lot of laughs and fun times. She got to enjoy some time with Kathryn which really boosted her mood. I think just seeing and remembering we are here for her and love her was what she needed.
Always be thankful for another day because no matter how old or young or who you are you are not promised tomorrow. I often wonder if I had to face "tomorrow" without Koran what would I do? I hope I would have the strength his mom has had. I hope I would be strong and show my daugther that even when life throws you a curveball, you keep on hitting. Funny how we admire people for the traits we never saw until they really have to show them.
Reminds me to always be loving. To remind my family and friends how important they are to me every day. I can not believed how blessed Koran and I are by the people in our lives. I just hope we show them in every way how we feel.
Tomorrow is not promised so remember to give the extra smile or touch. The extra I love you and thank you. Those are what we will be remembered for some day.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Happy Monday

Or is it? :)
Considering how our Sunday night ended Monday has been great. Kat and I went to Kindermusik this morning and went to get my eyebrows done and both of our bangs trimed. Very exciting....well not the haircut part. :)
Some days I have way to much on my mind and I thought as I got older it maybe would get better but I am quickly learning this is not the case. New worries about our daughter always come up. Something always seems to make an appearance when you are not expecting it. Sometimes I just have to wonder exactly what is this world coming too. I sure am hoping we raise a strong daughter who keeps this independent attitude she has now. So many times you have to worry "did I say something wrong" or "what will people think if I do this". Well I guess first of all I am starting to adapt my daughter's attitude on this. I am who I am. Not everyone will like you all the time, that is life. Be true to yourself. I am a good person and I know I have a big heart and always try to do the right thing. There was a time when I would let people walk all over me. Now being married to a strong man has for sure helped me realize that the people I want around me are the ones who like me for me, not the me they want me to be.
Not long ago Koran, Kat and I were eating out and Koran left the table. There was some good music playing and Kat starting dancing in her seat and I started along with her. We were not being loud just having a good time. A lady at a table a ways from us just kept looking at us. I just smiled at her. I thought you know we are not bothering you and we are having fun....get over it! Now a couple years ago never would I have done something like that in public to draw attention to myself. But I have learned from my daughter to follow your heart and what feels right. Be yourself all the time. Let them stare, maybe they are just jealous they don't feel comfortable joining in. Be yourself, because in the end that is who you are and it is exhausting trying to be someone else!
So today...go dance where everyone can see you. Maybe they will join in and maybe not...their loss!
I love this picture of Kathryn from the lake resort this past summer. We were out walking and she just started dancing. I have it on our fridge to remind me to just be me...especially on the days I forget.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Just some thoughts

Been a while since I wrote so thought I would take a minute. So far 2012 has been a great year!
Started getting serious again about working out....summer will be here soon need to be swimsuit and sundress ready!
Koran's work is going good. Always proud of him and all he does for his work and his family. Very amazing man I married. So amazing no words could possibly describe it. I have been with him 12 years and if possible love him more now then the day I married him.
I love that I am at a place in life where my husband knows I love him. He knows by the way we communicate and the way we compliment each other. And the world knows by seeing how well we are together. So glad my beautiful daughter will see what a loving marriage is where two people truely care about each other and respect each other. That can only come from putting God first.
Kat is doing good. Trying to do the whole potty training thing which was great for the first three days now she is not sure about it. It will come. She won't be in diapers forever. I just keep reminding myself!
Have had a great weekend. Saw our friends Chad and Margaret and their new baby girl yesterday morning and then of course the Saints game yesterday afternoon. Heartbreaking game and gave me a sore throat from yelling but it was so fun to watch as a family. Kat even got into it. She was cheering when we did and beating her drum to help them do better. These are the memories I will never forget. Things that money can't buy and no one can take away from you.
Thankful for the great friends God has put in our life too. Some have been with us forever and even a few new ones in our "circle" as Koran calls it. They all mean the world to us and yes they are family to us too.
Pretty amazed at this year so far....hoping God has great things planned in many ways. And some fun adventures along the way!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year

Had a great day just relaxing with Koran and Kathryn. It was really windy out so nice to stay inside! Hard to believe it is 2012 already.
Tomorrow hitting the workout hard. By May I want to have 15 pounds gone....let's go!